Advocates for the Sonoma County Archives

The Sonoma County Archives


The Sonoma County Library is the steward of this unique resource. In 1965 the Library was designated the official Archives by a joint resolution of the County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa. The Archives house some of the County’s most treasured historical documents. These unique materials tell the story of who we are and where Sonoma County fits within the context of state and national history. Twice, in 2017 and again in 2020, wildfires raged to within yards of this highly-vulnerable facility.

In response to these threats and the public outcry they provoked, the Sonoma County Library, with financial support from the County of Sonoma, began relocating the collection to a new space located in northwest Santa Rosa on August 18, 2021. This space is climate-controlled and out of a known fire zone.

The new location is not permanent but gives the County and the Library time to develop a long-term solution that takes into account proper housing, management, and access to the collection.

What role the public and users of the collection will play in these discussions is not known, but it is imperative that stakeholders such as the Advocates for the Sonoma County Archives and the Sonoma County Historical Records Commission be involved in all such decisions. We must continue to work for a permanent home for the Sonoma County Archives that will provide improved management, access for all users, and protection of the Archives for future generations.

Mission Statement

The mission of Advocates for the Sonoma County Archives is to advocate for a permanent facility, improved management, and access to the Sonoma County Archives, currently housed in a temporary space located in northwest Santa Rosa, and to provide financial support in partnership with others to ensure that this unique collection of historical records is maintained in perpetuity.

 Activities of the ASCA include but are not limited to, educating the public about the importance of the archives through articles, letters to the editor, social media, presentations, and fundraising.

Examples of Materials, Materials in Use, the Collection on the Move, Items in Place

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